Would you like to enjoy a fun free 30-day Challenge?
Starting July 1st.
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5 minutes a day of interesting inspirational support structures to help you improve Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually, and Professionally. Everyday I will share a fun 3 minute video of pleasurable movements that will enhance your body and mind intelligence—and an interesting 2 minute challenge.
You can set your goals for how you would like to improve Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually, and Professionally. For example:
Love to share this with you.
Tyr Throne
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Upcoming Training:
Bali, Indonesia
Would you like to feel and look years younger and remove all the pain and stress from your body?
3 fun and interesting trainings in Bali. Here is a little info about each of them. Which is best for you?
1. Youthing – Movement Intelligence training: learn to move your body with intelligence and flow that will take years off of your age.
Date: TBD.
Tuition: TBD*.
· In the Youthing System training you will learn the entire 30 processes of Tyr Throne’s upcoming book: “Youthing – how to feel and look 10 years younger in 10 minutes a day.”
· Learn gentle, fun, pleasurable movements that feel great and only take a few moments to help you to feel and look years younger.
· Learn how to remove a lifetime of pain and to never have it come back again in your neck, shoulders, back, hips, arms, and legs by improving your movement intelligence to it’s natural state for the best posture, sitting, standing, walking, comfort at the computer, flexibility, balance, breathing, and sleeping.
“Beyond Yoga. Tyr’s work frees the body of chronic discomfort or pain by releasing unconscious restrictive patterns, resulting in a youthful open posture.” Roma Katz, yoga teacher.
2. Somalogy Professional Training
Date: TBD.
Tuition: TBD*.
· In the Somalogy Professional Training you will learn the professional applications of the Youthing System and improve your posture and feel better than you ever have in you life. You learn how to analyze posture and fix problems of the neck, shoulders, back, hips, arms and legs directly and quickly. And then you will learn exercises that are fun to do and only take a few seconds to maintain and improve the results for you and your clients. Tyr will share the best or what he has learned from Structural Integration and Feldenkrais, and his expertise in anatomical structure and years of knowledge about movement as a professional dancer, martial artist and yoga teacher.
· You will learn extensive and profound ways to create ideal posture and movement patterns that empower youth and vitality, and how to improve posture, comfort at the computer, flexibility, balance, breathing, and sleep, and feel and look stronger, younger, and more attractive and charismatic, and help people enhance their yoga, meditation, dancing and running.
“Before Tyr I had seen at least 7 different doctors, 4 physiotherapists, acupuncturists, massage therapists, a chiropractor, 2 osteopaths and all previous attempts had seemed boring, monotonous and just weren’t working for me. I love Tyr’s exercises because I immediately feel better and they’re fun and actually bring joy. ” – Anne Marie Drozdz, theater director.
3. AquaSoma Professional Training:
Would you like to have an amazingly healing experience—and learn how to fix neck and back problems in the water?
Date: TBD.
Tuition: TBD*.
Prerequisite: Somalogy Professional Training.
· The AquaSoma training is for those who would like to enjoy the amazing healing aspects of working in the water for themselves, and learn how to work professionally in the Watsu pool to fix neck, shoulder, back, hip, and arm and leg problems, and help people improve posture, comfort at the computer, flexibility, balance, breathing, and sleeping, and feel and look stronger, younger, and more attractive and charismatic, and enhance their yoga, meditation, dancing and running.
“Transformational is the one word that most people use when describing Tyr. His system achieves more in a few sessions than months or years of other disciplines.” – Randall Hayward, CEO of Taksu.
*All prices exclude 10% tax.
For more info you can contact Tyr Throne in Bali on Skype: tyrthrone, or mobile phone: 0822-4701-4529, or by email: tyrthrone@gmail.com, or visit: www.somalogy.com/, and: www.taksuhealinghaven.com
Hanau & Mühlheim in the Frankfurt Main and in Sanitz northern Germany
Date: TBD.
Would you like to feel and look younger and have one of the greatest experiences of your life in beautiful Germany?
- In the Youthing System seminars you will learn some of the 30 processes of my upcoming book: “Youthing – how to feel and look 10 years younger in 10 minutes a day.”
- Learn gentle, fun, pleasurable movements that feel great and only take a few moments to help you to feel and look years younger.
- Learn how to take away and prevent pain in your neck, shoulders, back, hips, arms, and legs by improving your movement intelligence, posture, sitting, standing, walking, comfort at the computer, flexibility, balance, breathing, sleeping, yoga, meditation, dancing, and running.
Somalogy Seminars in Hanau and Mühlheim in the Frankfurt Main:
Somalogy Flyer Hanau-Mühlheim Germany
E-Mail: hehe37@aol.com
Somalogy Seminar in Sanitz northern Germany:
For more information and to register for Sanitz seminar, please contact Dorothea Voss, Naturopath.
E-Mail: dorotheavoss@posteo.de
Tel: 038209.490573
Mobil: 0176.7813 7208
Vancouver, Canada
Rescheduled: Youthing Seminar in Vancouver. Dates: TBD.
The Youthing System of SOMALOGY™
will help you
- Gain strength vitality and flexibility through simple and gentle movement
- Reduce or eliminate chronic pain and discomfort
- Learn to move with new freedom and ease
In this fun and experiential workshop you will learn how to self correct your own posture through pleasurable movements that are easy to access and integrate. You will learn how to reverse aging by acquiring and practising new and simple alignment techniques.
Tyr Throne is a master of movement, a teacher of teachers. He generates a safe and compassionate environment for inner exploration in discovering body mechanics and movement intelligence.
Here are some of the testimonials that emerged from his workshop:
“Work that is very relevant to our every day life and living…”–Marylyn Harper, Yoga Teacher.
“I carry myself differently as a result of your workshop…” –Lenore Rosen, retired Social Worker, Ace Tennis Player.
“After doing his gentle and deceptively simple sequences my hips, lower back, knees and neck released and I was able to move with ease and fluidity that I only vaguely remember from my youth…”–Nicola Aimee, Poet, Tango Dancer.
“I’m finding great benefits for my tight psoas and hips…my students were blown away by this work.”– Lynne Lantaigne, Theraputic Yoga Teacher.
“Within one hour I realized that my chronic pain had disappeared and stayed that way all weekend long.”– Ted Loo, Personal Trainer.
“To my surprise my body relearned how to walk, properly and enjoyably.”–Andy Katz, Businessman.
“Most marvellous workshop and work.”–Rebekkah Harvey, Yoginni , ex Securities Lawyer.
Below you will find a description of Tyr’s typical Somalogy Youthing class, and please visit the testimonial site from the menu above for inspiration about Tyr’s work.
Emily Jeffers Global Yogi article re Tyr’s Youthing. http://yogazine.theglobalyogi.com/asia-featured/growing-younger-youthing-expert-taksu-bali/#.VNV2RZ2UeKd
Below your will find all the relevant details for the workshop and registration…Looking forward to seeing you on June 5th!
Best wishes, Roma.
Dates & Times:
Introductory class: TBD.
Weekend workshop: TBD.
* note that attendance to the Intro class will be required as pre-requisite for the weekend workshop
The Landing Dance Centre, 270 Southwest Marine Drive, Vancouver BC, V5X 2R5
Intro class (Fri) : $25 + GST early bird, $35 + GST
Full Package (Fri/Sat/Sun): $300 + GST early bird, $350 + GST
* additional sign up for the Sat/Sun once having attended the Friday night intro class will be $315 + GST (Total = $340/$350 + GST)
* note that attendance to the Intro class will be required as pre-requisite for the weekend workshop
For more information:
Please contact Roma Katz at:
(“at” is substituted here so that internet spiders cannot grab this email address for spamming purposes. When you email Roma, please use the @ as per normal email address usage) or call/text 778-387-7376
To register & payment method:
Cheque, electronic bank transfer and PayPal are accepted forms of payment. For PayPal there is an additional 3% service charge.
To register, please email Roma Katz at:
(“at” is substituted here so that internet spiders cannot grab this email address for spamming purposes. When you email Roma, please use the @ as per normal email address usage).
Costa Rica
AquaSoma training
Date: TBD.
Tuition: $1,100 usd*
- The AquaSoma training is for those who would like to enjoy the amazing healing aspects of working in the water for themselves, and learn how to work in the water to fix neck, shoulder, back, hip, and arm and leg problems, and help people improve posture, comfort at the computer, flexibility, balance, breathing, and sleeping, and feel and look stronger, younger, and more attractive and charismatic, and enhance their yoga, meditation, dancing and running.
- This training is only for those who learn the techniques in the Somalogy professional training, because I can then show how you how they can be adapted for working in the water.
Location: Hotel Spa & Resort El Tucano in San Carlos, Costa Rica
Contact: Natalia Chaverri Madden (Costa Rica) (506) 7367-7033 / (506) 8860-7342 Email: info@watsucostarica.com Website: http://www.watsucostarica.com/
*All prices exclude tax.
More information will be coming…